When the theatre director and Mendoza’s Government proposed to join the Creative Team and take part on this remarkable open-air musical that involves more than 800 artists on stage and live music, offering 3 consecutive nights of reruns at Frank Romero Day Greek Theatre, me and my team accepted without hesitation.
Designing the digital scenography for this 3000 m2 stage attended by 70,000 spectators, was one of the biggest challenges I have had in my career. We proudly accomplished producing 90 min of animated visual content and 3D modelling for the 17 frames that comprise the country's most important play.
The screen composition was designed in conjunction with the set director resulting in a hybrid stage that featured corporeals and 250 m2 of screens used to showcase the digital scenery. Synched work with choreographers, set designers, costume and acrobats was the key that allowed this musical fiction to be an immersive visual spectacle.
The entire artistic content, custom made for the show, was generated in Cinema 4D by meticulously modelling the foundation material that simulated wool knitted stitches. This handcrafted approach, coupled with the thoroughly animated script, made it possible to complete the story told on stage by dancers, actors and acrobats.
my Tech role >
Screens composition Design
Play Out Direction

my Art role >

Creative Direction
Visual scripting
AV content production
Challenge unlocked
Worked in coordination with such a big team
Designed for very big and unconventional stage   
Visual Script, Art Direction, Creative Direction, Audiovisual Art Production & Screens Design by Dajer, Federici & Posada (Motia Studio). 
I would like to specially thank Mendoza’s Government, and all of this project’s team-mates:
Alicia Casares General Director. Nuria Atencio General Producer. Virginia Paes Choreographer. Mario Galván Music Director, arrangements and composition. Norberto Lateana Dresser and costume Designer. Facundo Pennesi Acrobats Director. Gabriela Bizón Scenario Designer. Romina Moyano Mayor Props. Foak Studio - Martin Vasca content production interns. Paula Brandi Motia executive producer.
PRESS >  Canal 9  /  El Sol Diario

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